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Who Do You Recommend? My Partner Recommendations.

Monday, April 11, 2022

I am often asked who is the best for graphic design or who would I recommend for website design. The truth is there are a lot of talented experts out there. I’ve worked with many people and companies over the years. Some talents have more than one expertise. It also depends on your needs, budget and your size. Here is my short list and know that it is ever changing. All names are linked for you. Advertising Fuseideas Brand Strategy and [...] more
branded jar of spatulas

My Pet Peeve is Spelling Errors

Thursday, September 20, 2018

My pet peeve is spelling errors. Granted, I've had my share of them and kicked myself. They occur when I am in a rush or if I don’t have a second eye review my work. It affects my brand quality, something that I take a lot of pride in. They look unprofessional and limit client referrals. I don’t want to hear, “Don’t work with her because she makes errors. ” Now imagine when it is a larger brand. What does it say? Recently, I was in Williams-Sonoma where [...] more